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Press release of Tri Tec Ltd. 9th of August 2004

9th International CannaBusiness® in Cologne!
3 Days Cannabiz in Cologne

The Palladium in Cologne is the new market place of the hemp branch. International experts from the hemp branch will meet here from September 24-26th 2004. By popular demand, the exhibition hall will be open on all three days to all kinds of visitors, i.e. to trade visitors and the public alike.
The first CannaBusiness® in Cologne takes place entirely under the motto "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de". In conjunction with the grow! magazine and hanfdemo.de, the preparations are made for a both exciting and relaxing hemp weekend.

Meanwhile it has probably got about that the International CannaBusiness® takes place for the first time in Cologne this year. Why? What has caused the makers of the very first hemp fair to relocate? Asked the other way round: Which reasons spoke for Castrop-Rauxel in the beginning?
Let us rember the 90ies. At that time, hardly any venue wanted to house a hemp fair - only the Europahalle in Castrop-Rauxel was willing to do so, and as a consequence, a market place for exhibitors and guests from more than 30 nations emerged here. After eight successful hemp fairs, the situation has radically changed. Now it is on the venues to apply for the International CannaBusiness®. This is the actual success - for the fair, for the exhibitors, for the visitors and, last but not least, also for the hemp plant itself.
This success will be further expanded now in the Palladium of the international fair and media city Cologne. The Palladium, a 100 years-old former industry hall, features an ambience that already now promises an atmospheric hemp fair. Here the exhibitors will find the right place for professionally and attractively presenting themselves together with their products at the fair. The evening events will take place in the Kölner E-Werk and the Dynamo-Lounge directly opposite to the Palladium. Another plus is the city itself. Cologne is Germany`s fourth largest city. More than 10 million people are living here within a radius of 100 km.

Hemp Hemp Hooray
Besides the nova-Institute and the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM), Cologne is also home to the Hemp Demo Cologne (www.hanfdemo.de) and the grow! magazine. Reason enough for close cooperations. For the first time, the "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de" Weekend will take place this year, conjointly informing about hemp. In addition to the HempDemo and the CannaBusiness®, a live concert will be performed in the E-Werk on Saturday evening ranging from singer/songwriter Goetz Widmann to funky grooves of the Geiles Institut and finally leading to the tribal psychedelic trance show of the Star Sounds Orchestra.
Another highlight is the special exhibition "Szene Comix" with Gilbert Shelton (Freak Brothers, USA), Gerhard Seyfried (DE), Bringmann & Kopetzki (DE) and Steve Stoned (DE) who will sign their works at the CannaBusiness®. Furthermore Joseph Pietri, former international cannabis smuggler and gourmand, has announced himself to present the initial German edition of his book "The King of Nepal" for the first time.

Programm for the "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de" Weekend

Friday, 24th of September
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®, Palladium
from 07:00 p.m. Exhibitor/Trade Visitor Party

Saturday, 25th of September

11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. "Szene Comix"
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Book premiere: "The King of Nepal"
12:45 p.m. Departure of shuttle busses to the Hemp Demo

Hemp Demo (Start: Roncalliplatz/Dom; End Roncalliplatz/Dom)
02:00 p.m. Opening speech Werner Sack / magistrate in a juvenile court, Frankfurt
02:15 p.m. Start of the second Hemp Demo Cologne
03:00 p.m. Final manifestations with Marcel Hafke (chairman of the Young Liberals), Tilmann Holzer (Association f. Drug Politics) and Hans-Christian Ströbele (assisting chairman of the faction Bündnis90/die Grünen)
3:15 p.m. Departure of shuttle busses to the CannaBusiness®

06:00 p.m. E-Werk opens for evening show
07:00 p.m. Intro with Götz Widmann
07:30 p.m. live: Das Geile Institut ( Austria ), starting the German tour 2004 with new CD
live: Star Sounds Orchestra, on their "Music for Qigong Dancing" - World Tour 2004/2005, featuring Irina Mikhailova, the Diva of World Music

11:00 p.m. Resident DJ-Disco at the E-Werk or alternatively electronic "High-Fly" presented by DJ Joyrider, DJ Puls and DJ Tao,
at the Café am Park (Mütze), Berliner Straße 77

Sunday, 26th of September
11:00 a.m. till 06:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®, Palladium

Tri Tec GmbH
/ Fon +49 234- 935 79 70 / Fon +49 234- 935 79 75
orga@cannabusiness.com / www.cannabusiness.com


Press information

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung der neuen CD "MUSIC FÜR QIGONG DANCING" und World Tour 2004 / 2005


Ausgestattet mit dem größten Planeten-Gong Orchestra der Welt präsentiert das SSO einen einzigartigen Klangkörper, der einen Bogen spannt zwischen archetypischen akustischen Schwingungen und contemporary electronic styles.

Auf Grundlage der harmonikalen Forschungen der KOSMISCHEN OKTAVE www.planetware.de produzieren und performen die beiden Akustonauten Steve Schroyder und Jens Zygar seit 1989 eine ganz eigene sphärische und psychedelische Musik, die mit den planetarischen Stimmtönen und Rhythmen ein musikalisches Abbild des astronomischen Schwingungsgefüge unseres solaren Lebensraumes darstellt.

Ihre Hi-energy - Shows, die meistens auf geheimnisvollen Parties irgenwo auf Welt zu erleben sind, beinhalten das ganze Spektrum der elektronischen Musik. Sphärische ambiente kosmische chill-in Musik verwandelt sich in cosmic tribal beat über psychedelic goa bis hin zu happy core und zurück!

Energetische Action und spirituelle Aktivität, insbesondere durch das gemeinsame Agieren des SSO - Front-Trio´s bestehend aus der charismatischen Sängerin Irina Mikhailova mit ihrer erotisch-mystischen Zauber-stimme, dem Gongmeister Jens Zygar mit seinen raumflutenden Gong-Bass wellen und nicht zuletzt Steve Schroyder, einem Urgestein der elektronischen Musik, der bereits mit Tangerine Dream legendäre kosmische Klänge unter die Menschheit gebracht hat. Laden zum Tanzen ein - SSO ist ein Garant für eine spannende Trance Dance Performance!

Das aktuelle Album MUSIK FOR QIGONG DANCING, das bei MILLENNIUM RECORDS in London erschienen ist, eine spirituelle und gleichzeitig bioenergetische Musik, zu der sich trefflich trancen und meditieren lässt.

Begleitet durch die Stimme der einzigartigen "Diva of World Music" - IRINA MIKHAILOVA! www.irinasheba.com setzt die Trance-Seite des Doppelalbums neue Maßstäbe im Bereich des psychedelischen Vocal - Trance-Sounds und schafft Feierlaune für die wahren Hedonisten auf dem Planeten Erde.
Die ambiente, chilligere zweite CD ist ein akustisches Paradies für alle Wellness-Freaks, Tantra-Freaks und New-Age-Heilige. Alle Musikstücke sind inspiriert durch jahrtausende alte chinesische Übungen und bauen auf dem Wissen über die Geheimnisse subtiler Körper / Seele / Geist - Energien und Zusammenhänge.

Klang ist die Energie der Zukunft und das vorliegende Werk, an denen die beiden Weltraumschamanen zusammen mit dem Produzenten und Sound-Designer Volker König (aka OLOLIUQUI, AM SYNAPTIC) viele Jahre gewerkelt haben.

KOSMISCHE KRAFT VORAUS lautet daher das Motto der musikalischen Planeten-Fahrer des STAR SOUNDS ORCHESTRA für ihre Tournee MUSIC FOR QIGONG DANCING

Jens Zygar
star sounds orchestra
c/o stamm & belz
severin str. 49
45127 Essen
mobile +49 (0)178 551 6885
tel +49 (0)201 85 59 77 0
fax +49 (0)201 85 59 77 9

CD Discussion Star Sounds Orchestra

release Sommer 2004
Vertrieb SPV

Das STAR SOUNDS ORCHESTRA seit 1989 eine international umtriebige Underground - Legende mit sphärisch - kosmischen Trance - Ambitionen hat mit seinem sechsten release MUSIC FOR QIGONG DANCING auf Millennium Records ein anspruchsvolles "Zuhöralbum" jenseits enger Genrestilistiken an den Start gebracht. Ausgefeilte ambiente elektronische Klang-Collagen aber auch sehr souveräne Trance-Beats mit zum Teil hitverdächtigen Assoziationen auf der einen Seite, und verträumte, romantische Tracks für die spirituelle Wellness-Lounge inspiriert durch traditionelle Energie-Übungen der chinesischen Shaolin-Mönche vermitteln ein vielschichtiges Stimmungsbild, das ein Erlebnisraum für die ganz großen Gefühle und Gedanken des Lebens bietet. Insbesondere der Gesang der "Diva of World Music" Irina Mikhailova strahlt wie eine erotisch-mystische Aura und löst das so beliebte Gänsehautgefühl und manch andere nicht ganz jugendfreie Fantasie aus. Das Producer Team des Star Sounds Orchestra Schroyder / Zygar hat mit diesem Album seinen bisherige Reise in die Sphären des musikalischen Weltraums konsequent fortgesetzt und es bleibt den beiden Aktivisten der Kosmischen Oktave nur zu wünschen, das sie noch so manchen neuen Planeten für uns entdecken!

Wertung. Volle Punktzahl in allen Belangen!
Rezension by dj soltek


Press release of Tri Tec Ltd. 30th of Juli 2004

9. International CannaBusiness®
24. - 26. September 2004

The Palladium in Cologne is the new market place of the hemp branch. International experts from the hemp branch will meet here from September 24-26th 2004. By popular demand, the exhibition hall will be open on all three days to all kinds of visitors, i.e. to trade visitors and the public alike.
The first CannaBusiness® in Cologne takes place entirely under the motto "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de". In conjunction with the grow! magazine and hanfdemo.de, the preparations are made for a both exciting and relaxing hemp weekend.
Meanwhile it has probably got about that the International CannaBusiness® takes place for the first time in Cologne this year. Why? What has caused the makers of the very first hemp fair to relocate? Asked the other way round: Which reasons spoke for Castrop-Rauxel in the beginning?
Let us rember the 90ies. At that time, hardly any venue wanted to house a hemp fair - only the Europahalle in Castrop-Rauxel was willing to do so, and as a consequence, a market place for exhibitors and guests from more than 30 nations emerged here. After eight successful hemp fairs, the situation has radically changed. Now it is on the venues to apply for the International CannaBusiness®. This is the actual success - for the fair, for the exhibitors, for the visitors and, last but not least, also for the hemp plant itself.
This success will be further expanded now in the Palladium of the international fair and media city Cologne. The Palladium, a 100 years-old former industry hall, features an ambience that already now promises an atmospheric hemp fair. Here the exhibitors will find the right place for professionally and attractively presenting themselves together with their products at the fair. The evening events will take place in the Kölner E-Werk and the Dynamo-Lounge directly opposite to the Palladium. Another plus is the city itself. Cologne is Germany`s fourth largest city. More than 10 million people are living here within a radius of 100 km.

Hemp Hemp Hooray
Besides the nova-Institute and the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM), Cologne is also home to the Hemp Demo Cologne (www.hanfdemo.de) and the grow! magazine. Reason enough for close cooperations. For the first time, the "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de" Weekend will take place this year, conjointly informing about hemp. In addition to the HempDemo and the CannaBusiness®, a live concert will be performed in the E-Werk on Saturday evening.
Another highlight is the special exhibition "Szene Comix" with Gilbert Shelton (Freak Brothers, USA), Gerhard Seyfried (DE), Bringmann & Kopetzki (DE) and Steve Stoned (DE) who will sign their works at the CannaBusiness®. Furthermore Joseph Pietri, former international "old school" hashish smuggler, has announced himself to present the initial German edition of his book "The King of Nepal" for the first time.

Programm for the "Cannabiz-in-Cologne.de" Weekend

Friday, 24th of September
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®, Palladium
from 07:00 p.m. Exhibitor/Trade Visitor Party

Saturday, 25th of September
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. "Szene Comix"
11:00 a.m. till 07:00 p.m. Book premiere: "The King of Nepal"
12:45 p.m. Departure of shuttle busses to the Hemp Demo

Hemp Demo (Start: Roncalliplatz/Dom; End Roncalliplatz/Dom)
02:00 p.m. Opening speech Werner Sack / magistrate in a juvenile court, Frankfurt
02:15 p.m. Start of the second Hemp Demo Cologne
03:00 p.m. Final manifestations with Marcel Hafke (chairman of the Young Liberals), Tilmann Holzer (Association f. Drug Politics) and Hans-Christian Ströbele (assisting chairman of the faction Bündnis90/die Grünen)
3:15 p.m. Departure of shuttle busses to the CannaBusiness®

06:00 p.m. E-Werk opens for evening show
07:00 p.m. Intro with Götz Widmann
08:30 p.m. Live: Macka B / Sammy Delux /Das geile Institut / enquired
11:00 p.m. Disco with surprise guests

Resident DJ-Disco at the E-Werk and electronic "High-Fly"
11:00 p.m. DJ Joyrider, DJ Puls and DJ Tao,
at the Café am Park (Mütze), Berliner Straße 77

Sunday, 26th of September
11:00 a.m. till 06:00 p.m. Intern. CannaBusiness®, Palladium
Please inform yourself about potential programme changes on our homepage www.cannabusiness.com / www.cannabiz-in-cologne.de

Tri Tec GmbH / Fon +49 234- 935 79 70 / Fon +49 234- 935 79 75 /
orga@cannabusiness.com / www.cannabusiness.com


Press release of Tri Tec Ltd. 21st of April 2004

9. International CannaBusiness®
24. - 26. September 2004

Cannabiz in Cologne!

The International CannaBusiness® will be welcoming its guests under this motto for the first time in September 2004, since Cologne is the new market place of the hemp branch. Here, in the “Palladium” of the trade fair city Cologne, experts from the hemp branch will meet from September 24-26th 2004 for presenting themselves to an international public. By now already a big media echo emerges. The extensive press work of the CannaBusiness® and the Hanf Demo Cologne (taking place on Saturday) promise a true media offensive and will put Cologne on this weekend completely under the motto “Cannabiz in Cologne.
Different media and event cooperations were already arranged to offer an unforgettable hemp weekend in Cologne to exhibitors as well as visitors.

Success through professionalism

It took the pioneers of the hemp scene not even 10 years to advance themselves from not seriously taken outsiders to professional economic actors. Other than in the mid-90ies, the International CannaBusiness® is nowadays more and more perceived as international forum of an innovative and worldwide networked branch. While the hemp branch was hardly welcome anywhere in its first years, it is even being courted now after eight successful trade fairs. A major cornerstone on the road to the hemp plant’s rehabilitation – and a success that the Tri Tec Ltd. as organizer of the International CannaBusiness® has achieved together with its exhibitors, partners, guests, friends and last but not least with the help of (inter-) national media, now going to adequately celebrate this by moving to Cologne.

Cologne, the new meeting point of the international hemp scene

Cologne, Germany`s fourth largest city, is an international centre of trade fairs, the media and economy. More than 10 million people are living within a radius of 100 km around Cologne, making the city an important centre located near the Three Countries Corner. As one of the most important traffic nodal points in Europe, Cologne has clear location advantages. Accessibility is given from all directions. Last but not least the nearness to the Benelux and France - important hemp nations - was decisive for moving to Cologne. Cologne is looked upon as top address for innovative, creative and alternative companies, for cultural and political projects, for small clubs and mega-events such as the Christopher Street Day or the SOMA Festival, for big research institutions and also for smaller institutes. Besides the nova-Institute and the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM), Cologne is also home to the Hemp Demo Cologne (www.hanfdemo.de) which will take place simultaneously with the CannaBusiness®.
Without a doubt, Cologne offers ideal surroundings for the 9th International CannaBusiness®.

The Palladium – a location with special ambience

Equivalently to the hemp branch, the Palladium shows that it is possible to combine a long standing industry culture with innovative technology. The Palladium, a 100 years-old former industry hall, features an ambience that already now promises an atmospheric hemp fair. On an area of about 4,000 square meters, exhibitors will find the right place for professionally and attractively presenting themselves at the fair. If the area size should not suffice, additional areas in direct connection are disposable. The evening events for example will take place in the “Kölner E-Werk” and the “Dynamo-Lounge” directly opposite to the Palladium, both of which are well-known as superb party locations – let yourself be surprised.

Soon we will inform you about further news.

For more information:

Hendrik Düppe,
P: +49 (0)234 9357973
F: +49 (0)234 9357975